
I am for you

Archive for April, 2018

TWTS – The Evolution of You



TWTS – Episode 62 – The Evolution of You

DOWNLOAD (right click to save linked file): TWTS – Episode 62 – The Evolution of You


You are made of a vast number of wiggles… vibrations of quantum particles, making vibrating atoms, making vibrating molecules, making vibrating cells, making vibrating organs, making a vibrating living organism. All of it combined is you. You are one big complex wave.

And your wave is always adding complementary, compatible, yet slightly incompatible, other waves to it, to help you become a better you. A you that fits together better.

In this podcast I ramble around the idea of what makes you you, and not, for example, a lamp, and why you are probably pretty compatible with me, even looking all the way back to you as a zygote!

the lamp


Links referenced in episode:

Super awesome interactive thingie for learning about sound waves and how they combine

My older podcast about the brain understanding things independent from the vast chaos of random realitypodcast about brain understanding things

My weird Discord channel… has now been banned. Discord does not protect minority opinions, or free speech.

More of me!: http://www.reddit.com/user/turil


Subscribe to The Wise Turtle Speaks Podcast on iTunes or subscribe manually in your favorite podcast application by using the rss feed address – https://turil.wordpress.com/category/TWTSpodcast/feed/.




a meme for mother Earth – #mymostpreciousthing

(click on image for a larger version for sharing)

Starting from high above and slowly zooming in on our planet you will naturally find a person, place, or thing to rest your vision on, something that seems to be the most cherished out of all of the rest of the world for you.

What is your most precious thing?

Feel free to share the image and/or your story of your most precious thing with anyone and everyone, so that we can all better see the treasures surrounding our lives which we most want to protect, preserve, and help flourish.


I also spoke about my most precious thing in the special podcast last Solstice. My beloved David. Happy Birthday my honey!