
I am for you

Archive for June, 2023

new Speaking Up video – 2 minute introduction

In celebration of the Solstice, and my 20th anniversary of marrying my beautiful husband, on that raw edge of sea and land and sky on Martha’s Vineyard, I offer the world a funky 2 minute video introduction to the Speaking Up process.



More info about me is here:

My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@thewiseturtle

More of me!: http://www.reddit.com/user/turil

Where I usually post: https://twitter.com/thewiseturtle

Past Speaking Up posts and podcasts

The new Speaking Up worksheet


The CREATE Space Project:

My big goal is getting closer, thanks to generous donations, of starting a non-profit community resource hub with resident artists, techies, and educators all working with the community to find creative solutions, using available resources to serve the needs of the community members freely and unconditionally, so that everyone can be their best possible selves. I’m currently (Summer 2023) looking for folks to help build some small buildings (especially an outhouse!) and a garden on a small blop of land in Searsport, Maine.

Ideally, the project would have a farm donated (or purchased very inexpensively for Bitcoin), with plenty of land to grow lots of food on, for the community, and a barn for a workshop, and other large spaces to have events and just to all kinds of work. Probably also near Belfast, Maine, but anywhere I can legally and comfortably live, without a car, is possible.

If you want to toss me a little Bitcoinage, this is my wallet address: 1KH9wQmrRrpaMKYM3WFrMJBTGhNGhjBHLo

(Also, note my “gifts wanted” on the rightmost sidebar for non-monetary ways to help out.)


Speaking Up Story Exchange

Live! In person! My first event in a long time, and it will be happening several times this summer at the Waterfall Arts Center in Belfast, Maine, during the Farmer’s Market on several Fridays from 9am-1pm. I’ll have a tent at the Art Market, where I will be offering my story crafts in exchange for people’s crafted stories. Yep, no money needed, just some time to think about, and record, one of your greatest loves, a loss involving it/them, a dream you have for honoring or helping them/it, and the things you need for you to be able to work on that dream.

There will be Speaking Up worksheets available for you to write and/or draw on, and a whole bunch of different crafted items, with their own speaking up stories for you to take home with you.

The first day I’ll be there is June 9th. (I’ll be in a blue tent to the right of the stairs near the front of the building.)

(After that, I’ll likely be there about twice a month.)

I hope to see you there!


More info about me is here:

My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@thewiseturtle

More of me!: http://www.reddit.com/user/turil

Where I usually post: https://twitter.com/thewiseturtle

Past Speaking Up posts and podcasts

The new Speaking Up worksheet:


The CREATE Space Project:

My big goal is getting closer, thanks to generous donations, of starting a non-profit community resource hub with resident artists, techies, and educators all working with the community to find creative solutions, using available resources to serve the needs of the community members freely and unconditionally, so that everyone can be their best possible selves. I’m currently (Spring 2023) looking for folks to help build some small buildings (especially an outhouse!) and a garden on a small blop of land in Searsport, Maine.

Ideally, the project would have a farm donated (or purchased very inexpensively for Bitcoin), with plenty of land to grow lots of food on, for the community, and a barn for a workshop, and other large spaces to have events and just to all kinds of work. Probably also near Belfast, Maine, but anywhere I can legally and comfortably live, without a car, is possible.

If you want to toss me a little Bitcoinage, this is my wallet address: 1KH9wQmrRrpaMKYM3WFrMJBTGhNGhjBHLo

(Also, note my “gifts wanted” on the rightmost sidebar for non-monetary ways to help out.)
